
Neighbours Information

The Skinners' Kent Academy would like to ensure that those who live and work around the Academy are kept up to date with what is happening on the site.

This page provides neighbours with information about events that could potentially impact traffic and parking as well as other updates from the Academy.

If you wish to be added to our email distribution list for updates about events that may impact neighbours, please complete the form here.

For any concerns or questions, please email


Please be aware that the Academy has purchased a defibrillator machine which is available to the public during Academy hours. Please come to the reception if you need to use it. 

Upcoming events

The below events are scheduled outside of Academy hours

Measures are put in place to manage traffic, parking, and other disruptions that may occur

Upcoming events

  • Thursday 20 June (4pm-6pm) - Prizegiving
  • Saturday 6 July (9am-11am) - Open Morning